04-12-2010 8:34 am
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As it seems, Russian spam servers keep hitting my blog hard (Thank God for robust spam detection on my blog's backend!). Usually it's the first blog post when organized alphabetically, which happens to be the one titled "Accepted For Beta Testing". So, to try and combat this, this blog post will start with "A ", so ...
03-11-2010 10:27 am
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A while back, typing "[insert religion here] is" and reading the suggested searches would return things like "[insert religion here] is evil" or other things to that nature...almost. Typing "Islam is" into Google would not return any suggested results, it was totally disabled and it was the only religion that would not work, and Google claimed ...
03-08-2010 9:20 am
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As of about 3:00 AM Ubisoft's new DRM scheme which requires all PC versions of the game to be connected to their proprietary DRM servers went down, locking out all copies of the new game Assassins Creed 2 to all paying customers. The pirated versions of AC2 are not being bothered at all, and work perfectly; ...
02-25-2010 9:42 am
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In the immortal words of Binky79, this truely is the best xkcd ever!
Source page
02-16-2010 8:44 am
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Lately I have been hard at work on a complete rewrite of my IRC bot, AuBot. AuBot v2 features a module system, similar to a plugin system but each module is loaded up on a separate process, so if something should go wrong in a module, only that specific module will crash, leaving the other parts ...