Displaying posts tagged: internet
08-30-2014 2:37 pm
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That's right, the Raspberry Pi, is perfect for running an OpenArena server. If you are unfamiliar with the Raspberry Pi, the amazing $35 credit-card-sized computer, here's a bit of information about it.
Using hardware taken from low-end smartphones, the Raspberry Pi (RPi or Pi, for short) is a fully-functioning computer with the stuff you'd expect from ...
08-31-2010 1:57 am
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So, I finnally got around to re-organizing the Projects page a bit, making it a bit less confusing to look at. I also added a few new projects on there, like ReLogIt, kPlayer, and my URL shortener. Be sure to check out the new additions by clicking on "Projects" in the top navigation bar!
05-04-2010 11:46 pm
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Might as well jump on the blogosphere bandwagon, YouTube is getting a HTTP 502 "Bad Gateway" error, and has been for a little while now, and Twitter is abuzz something fierce!
EDIT: YouTube service is now restored!
03-11-2010 10:27 am
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A while back, typing "[insert religion here] is" and reading the suggested searches would return things like "[insert religion here] is evil" or other things to that nature...almost. Typing "Islam is" into Google would not return any suggested results, it was totally disabled and it was the only religion that would not work, and Google claimed ...