A collection of my software projects, completed or otherwise.
List of Completed Projects: (Out of beta)
kChat - A simple, easy-to-use open source chatroom client which supports many common features, and includes simple file transfer which requires no port-forwarding like IRC's DCC send and others. More information can be found HERE.
ReLogIt - An advanced relogging tool for the Silkroad Online bot, SBot. More information and download link available HERE.
SUpdate - An update tool for a Silkroad Online bot called SBot. More information and a download link can be found HERE.
AuBot - An IRC bot and SDK fork. This software is not available for download, but you can see it in action in most of the active channels on irc.itaek.net. Typing !help will show you some general commands.
AuChat² - The second attempt at a proprietary chat client/server, AuChat² has many features that you can find in mainstream chat programs today, like color themes, action (/me) message support, private messaging to individual users, and rudimentary channel support! Server not available for download, link to latest client installer can be found HERE.
Hamset - A Hamachi reset tool, once you and your friends are connected to the Hamset server, press a single button to reset your Hamachi IPs and join a randomly generated network, so keeping your Hamachi IPs synced for LAN-Over-IP gaming with friends has never been easier! Built on the AuChat protocol, Hamset client can be downloaded HERE.
Q - The Silkroad Online Login Server Editor. This tool will add 4 lines into your Windows hosts file to enable your Silkroad clients to connect to a specified login server instead of a randomly chosen one at startup. The changes this makes are permanent, until you press Default Queue, and then all changes made to the hosts file by Q are un-done. This program is open-source! You can find the sourcecode HERE, or download the compiled binary HERE.
List of Uncompleted Projects: (In alpha/beta)
AuBot v2 - This is the new core bot that will be taking over the current duties of AuBot. It can load user-made modules and is designed from the start to be much more scalable, and will probably be released in compiled binary form once project is out of beta.
kPlayer - A music player designed to be light-weight but still have the basic necessities a proper media player should have, kPlayer delivers it all! Featuring a playlist editor (ctrl+s to save current playlist, shift+del to clear current playlist), play/pause/stop functionality, song skipping (forwards and backwards in playlist), ability to put current playlist on repeat, support for standard m3u playlist formats, and it's own proprietary playlist format (KLF). kPlayer supports mp3 files, wav files, and wma files. Add files to the playlist by dragging the file (or folder containing music) on to the player window. This program does have a few bugs, so if you encounter any, please tell me so I can get them fixed. Download the latest kPlayer binary HERE.
http://u.kealper.com - A web site powered by my AutoCGI(not shown in project list) AutoIt CGI pre processor. This site lets you create shortened URLs from long ugly URLs. For instance: http://forum.example.com/index.php?page=30&topic=99 could be shortened down to http://u.kealper.com/Foo. The shortened URL will instantly redirect to the intended URL when users visit the shortened URL. Aliases like Foo are optional, and all aliases are case-sensitive, "Foo" is different than "foo". For more information on AutoCGI, you'll have to contact me, as it needs certain requirements before it will work properly. (Server must be running Windows, must have either Apache (tested - working), or LigHTTP (not tested - should work) for your HTTP server)
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